Monday, 26 April 2010


Inspiration for Collection
Bottle Tops Close up
'I don't need God. I Have My Own Limited Edition Collection Of Bottle Tops'
Becca's work and inspiration for a recent exhibition, 'The Gentleman's Club'
Interview Sneek Peek!
3 words to represent your style?
Kitsch, nostalgic, opulent
What artists have inspired your aesthetic?
My aesthetic, as I’ve described is often derived from what material I’m working with and usually is inspired by interior spaces and the people I know. I combine small details to draw people in to the work; much of it is about intriguing the viewer, often why I work so small. Many artists have used technique to great effect. Tracey Emin and her piece “Uncle Colin” is a great example of using mix media collections, photographs, objects letters.
Who inspires you?
As my aim has been to create a juxtaposition of ideas, spirituality vs. Materialism, I have found a lot of inspiration from the work of John Stezaker.
(Read more in Middle Magazine Issue 1:0)

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